Donating Land
Landowners interested in permanently conserving their property may consider land donation to the Land Trust. In addition to knowing that you have left a legacy to future generations, transferring land ownership to a land trust is considered a charitable donation and can offer significant tax benefits. And importantly, it ensures the land’s permanent protection, and that it will be responsibly managed. Landowners are urged to seek up-to-date advice from a professional tax advisor when considering a land donation.
The North Smithfield Land Trust may also accept development rights, from individuals who wish to see their lands preserved. In granting development rights to the Trust, property owners may retain possession of the land while ensuring that their conservation goals are being met in perpetuity.
The Land Trust will also gladly accept financial contributions to its Stewardship Fund which are considered charitable gifts. These donations help our organization to maintain the properties for the benefit of the community.
To discuss your ideas for lands you may wish to donate, please feel free to contact one of our Officers.